IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
12–15 September 2022 // Virtual Conference

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission:

25 March, 2022
Extended to 15  April, 2022
Extended to 9 May, 2022 (Firm) –Closed

Workshop Proposals:

25 March, 2022
Extended to 10  April, 2022 –Closed
[Workshop Guidelines]

Tutorial Proposal:

6 May, 2022 –Closed
[Tutorial Guidelines]

Panel Proposal:

6 May, 2022
Extended to 27 May, 2022 –Closed
[Panel Guidelines]

Workshop Paper Submission:

3 June, 2022
Extended to 17 June, 2022

Extended to 30 June, 2022 –Closed

Notification of Acceptance:

10 June, 2022
16 June, 2022

Workshop Paper Notification of Acceptance:

24 June, 2022
Extended to 8 July, 2022

Extended to 22 July, 2022

Final Manuscript:

1 July, 2022
Extended to 18 July, 2022 –Closed

Final Workshop Manuscript:

15 July, 2022
Extended to 1 August, 2022

Extended to 8 August, 2022